Kindle Scribe to Mastodon

Posted on Mon 01 January 2024 in Digital Minimalism

Kindle Scribe to Mastodon

Over the holidays, I put together a fun little project to put out status updates on Mastodon. Of course, I used some spare time to make this as overly-engineered as possible.

Stringing It All Together

I wanted this to be event-driven and serverless and to give …

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Make your smartphone a little dumber

Posted on Fri 01 September 2023 in Digital Minimalism

Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

For many, MANY years, I've been an advocate for the simplicity of dumbphones. My go-to? The LightPhone 2. However, modern life sometimes demands the functionalities of a smartphone, such as banking or GPS navigation. Every once in a while, I wish my smartphone would be just a touch simpler, but …

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How to manage Podcasts on an iPod Classic on Linux

Posted on Sat 26 February 2022 in Digital Minimalism

After my last post generated some interesting discussion on Hacker News, I figured it was worth a little guide on how I manage my iPod Classic on a Linux machine. Thankfully some very clever people put together the drivers and software to make this a breeze, but there's a few …

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Consuming Content Like it's the 90s

Posted on Sun 06 February 2022 in Digital Minimalism

It’s the 2020s, we continue to become more connected that we’ve ever been, and I hate it! I don’t have the self-control needed to handle these always-on devices. It’s awful. They’re all so incredibly powerful and give so much in terms of information. I, however …

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Activity Nag

Posted on Mon 03 January 2022 in Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism

I'm trying out a month of Digital Minimalism and I wanted some… encouragement to ensure I stick to my rules. One of which is to use my laptop only for specific tasks I know ahead of time, for an hour a day only. I currently already use Activitywatch …

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Make the smartphone dumb again

Posted on Thu 05 November 2020 in Digital Minimalism

I have terrible, terrible impulse control. I cannot stop using my phone as a distraction tool. I simply cannot. We can discuss willpower, or being a better person, but they don’t work. I have no willpower and remain a terrible person despite how hard I try. If my phone …

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Keep up to date

Posted on Sat 15 February 2014 in Digital Minimalism

I love keeping up to date with all the latest tech news, but I find that when I follow numerous blogs there's a heavy noise to signal ratio and eventually I get bogged down with all the blog posts coming at me. On top of that I don't particularly like …

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On wanting

Posted on Sat 08 February 2014 in Digital Minimalism

Recently I moved jobs and the new company I work for was nice enough to give me a brand new, high-end, retina Macbook Pro. It's a great machineand I've been reminded how great an operating system OSX actually is. Naturally, I've been looking at my own machine a little differently …

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De-activating facebook for a month

Posted on Sat 01 February 2014 in Digital Minimalism

I'll keep this one short, because there's a million and one articles about people walking away from the social network. People are writing like they're revolutionaries leading the mass exodus. I even poked fun at it in my internet predictions. Anyway, at the start of the year I figured I'd …

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Numbers to replace that smartphone(London Edition)

Posted on Thu 30 January 2014 in Digital Minimalism

I made this list of useful phone numbers to replace the apps I used on my smartphone. However it could also be considered useful for anyone travelling to London that doesn't want to get screwed with data roaming. Just use these numbers at any payphone around town. You know, the …

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Switching to a dumbphone

Posted on Sat 18 January 2014 in Digital Minimalism


I am aware, that while there is a trend towards smart-phones there are quite a few articles around on the subject of people swapping back to a dumb-phone or even using your smartphone as a dumphone. Apparently it can help your marriage.

I'm not that naive. Frankly, my reasons …

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The Freedom of Limits

Posted on Fri 27 December 2013 in Digital Minimalism

Over the course of this blog I intend to show how limitations can in many ways bring positive changes in your life. While limitations can appear under various guises(vegetarianism, minimalism) etc there is a huge number of aspects in your life where you can benefit from limits, just without …

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