Physical vs Logical resources

Posted on Wed 06 July 2022 in TIL

Logical ID The logical ID must be alphanumeric (A-Za-z0-9) and unique within the template. Use the logical name to reference the resource in other parts of the template. Physical ID A physical ID, which is the actual assigned name for that resource, such as an EC2 instance ID or an …

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TIL Updating ZSH

Posted on Tue 04 January 2022 in TIL

To update Oh-My-ZSH, all I need to run is `omz update`. Didn't even realise there was an omz command!

TIL - AWS Lambda Environment Vars

Posted on Thu 05 November 2020 in TIL

In AWS Lambda, if you use ENVIRONMENT VARS they are tied to the lambda version, so a new deploy is required to update that config change.

TIL - AWS Summit - ECR

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

ECR supports vulnerability scanning of pushed up repo images.

TIL - AWS Summit - Eventbridge

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

Eventbridge can translate a lot of useful internal Amazon events into a call to say a Lamdba, so you can drive custom behaviour from those events. For example: high vulnerabilities in your pushed ECR image could trigger lambda to fire off an alert(or delete the image).

TIL - AWS Summit - Fargate Autoscaling

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

Fargate supports autoscaling options that include `FARGATE` or `FARGATESPOT` for spot pricing.

TIL - AWS Summit - Latency

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

P99 and P95 latency refer to the percentage of requests should be faster than given latency.

TIL - AWS Summit - Spot Instances

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

Currently, ~5% of spot instances are getting taken out, but their pricing is 1/3 of an On-Demand instance.

TIL - Bash Shift

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

In `bash`, use `shift` to reassign positional arguments.

For example:

```bash $1 $2 $3 ```

Would become

```bash $1 matches old $2 $2 matches old $3 ```

TIL - Git Rebase

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

In git, during rebase, ours and theirs are reversed. `theirs` is actually the current branch in the case of rebase.

TIL - How to match python regex postgis

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in TIL

Use `(.*)` for matching groups in Python regexes.