GSD 3 — Keeping your habits in mind

Posted on Fri 27 December 2013 in Productivity

So you've removed your distractions and figured out how to maintain focus. You've a set of good habits you'd like to being implementing. Well firstly, read this. Don't jump head first into habits you've never gone through before. You're expectations will be too high and sadly, you'll likely fail. Patience is a virtue. So, after you've chosen the habit you'd like to begin with, here are some tools to help keep you focused on those good habits.

  • Habit Streak - This app helps you achieve your goals with daily habit reminders. The focus here is on streaks. Define habits you can achieve everyday. Personally I find slightly vague is good. For example I don't intend to run everyday(you need downtime from running), so instead I have a habit to exercise everyday. So I alternate running with strength exercises.
  • Cron-Jobs - Yup, straight up cron-jobs are a great way to remind you to keep your good habits in mind. Make sure you have zenity installed and add this to your local cron with crontab -e. I also use cronjobs to automatically shut down my computer in the evening to prevent me working late and to properly wind-down ensuring a good sleep habit.

*/10 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/zenity -info-text="Don't forget that uber important habit"